Tobey also has blue eyes, very faint orange markings with a creamy color coat. Really beautiful. Olive is a deep grey and feels like a chinchilla when you pet her.

Okay - featured pattern today is this Butterick 2504 Demure & Feminine Drawstring Blouse / ca. 1943 and this is oh so pretty.
I've gotten a big stash of 70's patterns and more on the way! Here is one I had a while back and there are more sizes coming if this isn't working for you. McCall's 3060 Hippie Jumpsuit "Sunsuit" & Overskirt + Applique 1971
I always hesitate to overbuy from sellers online that I haven't dealt with before so I got a couple of her lots and the quality and care she took in shipping was impressive. She had acquired boxes of patterns from the 70's from someone who had owned a sewing store. Bonus!

Simplicity 6601 Young at Heart Jacket & Dress 1974 (another one I've had before) and that jacket just pops out at me. More on the way. I keep all my picture scans on an external hard drive& have an online backup. When I get a pattern I used to have it makes it so quick to put it back into stock.
Simplicity 7213 High Waisted Country Dress 1975 - remember the "Granny Dress" style? I loved that hippie look and it was so comfortable too.
Vogue 1213 Chilly Day Jacket, Poncho, Dress, Top, Wrap Skirt & Pants 1993 - that poncho blows my skirt up.
A bit "vintage" here but new enough and still "en vogue" - Vogue 7719 Dinner Out or Evening Out Dress 1980's. I enjoy the versatility of this dress ranging super casual to Grecian elegance.
Olive and Tobey are very cute and sounds like they each have very different personalities.
You're very sweet to have adopted them. They'll be very happy.
My sweet boy, Kasey, just turned 20 two days ago.
Enjoy your new feline friends, may they bring you much joy and companionship.
Thank you both! We are enjoying them more each day. Congratulations on your sweet boy Kasey - wow 20! My very first cat Inky lived to 21. My next kitty Mimsy was 19 and Pugsley and Little Girl were 17. Dang - going downhill LOL. But I think 21 is the exception. Lots of years to go yay!
Congrats on your new babies:-) . They look adorable.
I can't believe someone would dump their cat for a cat-hating husband. My suitor had to get Lucky's approval first!
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